Friday, December 11, 2009
Age of Enlightenment
Age of Enlightenment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

More broadly, the Enlightenment period is marked by increasing empiricism, scientific rigor, and reductionism, along with increasing questioning of religious orthodoxy.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The extent of sexual orientation discrimination in Topeka, Kansas
The extent of sexual orientation discrimination in Topeka, Kansas | National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

Date: November 16, 2004
Discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodation on the basis of sexual orientation continues to be a problem in the City of Topeka. A 2004 survey of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender residents illuminates that:
* 47 percent report having to conceal their sexual orientation or gender identity to protect their jobs;
* 20 percent report having trouble getting housing and renters’ insurance because of their sexual orientation or gender identity;
* 11 percent report experinecing discrimination while seeking police protection.
Multivariate Analysis of the Vote on Proposition 8
California's Proposition 8: What Happened, and What Does the Future Hold? | National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
see: Table 2. Multivariate Analysis of the Vote on Proposition 8

see: Table 2. Multivariate Analysis of the Vote on Proposition 8
Americans Evenly Divided on Morality of Homosexuality
Americans Evenly Divided on Morality of Homosexuality

Still, homosexuality emerges as the most divisive of 16 major social and cultural issues measured in the May 8-11, 2008 survey. Only doctor-assisted suicide and abortion come close to it in splitting public opinion.
All other issues have either higher majority agreement (including divorce, gambling, the death penalty, medical testing on animals, out-of-wedlock births and several other issues) or majority disagreement (including cloning animals or humans, suicide, polygamy, and extramarital affairs).
Is sexual orientation caused by genes, the environment, or both?
U.S. public opinion polls on homosexuality

Is sexual orientation caused by genes, the environment, or both?
Monday, November 30, 2009
The unemployment rate for black male college graduates 25 and older in 2009 has been nearly twice that of white male college graduates — 8.4 percent compared with 4.4 percent.
In Job Hunt, College Degree Can’t Close Racial Gap -

The unemployment rate for black male college graduates 25 and older in 2009 has been nearly twice that of white male college graduates — 8.4 percent compared with 4.4 percent.
Best Practices for Asking Questions about Sexual Orientation on Surveys
Williams Institute

Best Practices for Asking Questions about Sexual Orientation on Surveys
November 2009
50-State Survey Of Marriage Protection Amendments
SPECIAL REPORT: 50-State Survey Of Marriage Protection Amendments

SPECIAL REPORT: 50-State Survey Of Marriage Protection Amendments
UPDATED REPORT, November 2008
At this writing, 30 states have constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage. Forty-one states have laws banning same-sex marriage either by statute or by amendment.
LGBT rights in the United States
LGBT rights in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Five states (Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire) have legalized same-sex marriage.
Homosexuality laws in Muslim countries
LGBT topics and Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Homosexuality laws in Muslim countries
Since the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran, the Iranian government has executed more than 4,000 people charged with homosexual acts.
World Publics Welcome Global Trade -- But Not Immigration
World Publics Welcome Global Trade -- But Not Immigration: Summary of Findings - Pew Global Attitudes Project

World Publics Welcome Global Trade -- But Not Immigration
Should homosexuality be accepted by society?
Societal attitudes toward homosexuality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 2007 Pew Global Attitudes Project: "Should homosexuality be accepted by society?"
LGBT rights by country or territory
LGBT rights by country or territory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LGBT rights by country or territory
Sodomy law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sodomy law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

State laws at time of 2003 Supreme Court decision
U.S. Supreme Court decision Lawrence v. Texas (2003) invalidated sodomy laws in the fifty states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. At that time, the laws stood as follows:
Patel, S., Long, T. E., McCammon, S. L., & Wuensch, K. L. (1995). Personality and emotional correlates of self-reported antigay behaviors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 10, 354-366.

The first cannonical correlation showed that high SBS and high IAH are correlated with adherence to traditional masculine values, not faking good, impulsivity, and social maladjustment.
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Gender and the Career Choice Process: The Role of Biased Self‐Assessments
Chicago Journals - American Journal of Sociology

Gender and the Career Choice Process: The Role of Biased Self‐Assessments
This article develops a supply‐side mechanism about how cultural beliefs about gender differentially influence the early career‐relevant decisions of men and women. Cultural beliefs about gender are argued to bias individuals' perceptions of their competence at various career‐relevant tasks, controlling for actual ability. To the extent that individuals then act on gender‐differentiated perceptions when making career decisions, cultural beliefs about gender channel men and women in substantially different career directions. The hypotheses are evaluated by considering how gendered beliefs about mathematics impact individuals' assessments of their own mathematical competence, which, in turn, leads to gender differences in decisions to persist on a path toward a career in science, math, or engineering.
Mothers face disadvantages in getting hired
Mothers face disadvantages in getting hired

When asked if they would hire these applicants, participants said they would hire 84 percent of the women without children, compared with only 47 percent of the mothers. In assigning a starting salary to the applicants, given a pay range appropriate for the job, participants offered non-mothers an average of $11,000 more than mothers.
"According to our theory, women who have children are held to a harsher performance standard than women who do not. We asked how many days the applicant could be late before they would not be seen as 'management material,' and the mothers were allowed significantly fewer days than non-mothers," said Correll, whose courses include the Sociology of Gender. She also is a faculty affiliate of Cornell's Center for the Study of Inequality.
Correll and Benard also studied perceptions of fatherhood in evaluations of male job candidates. Participants were given the same information in the resumes and memos and were asked the same questions, but men's names replaced women's on the applications.
"The question is, are mothers the ones who suffer a penalty, or is it parents?" Correll said. "We found fathers are in no way disadvantaged. And, on several measures they are actually advantaged, such as being seen as more committed to their jobs than non-fathers."
Participants offered applicants who were fathers an average of $6,000 more in salary than the non-fathers, and "fathers were allowed to be late more frequently. They were actually held to a more lenient standard than the non-fathers." Correll said.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Confidence in government -- WVS
World Values Survey

V138.- I am going to name a number of organisations. For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them: is it a great deal of confidence, quite a lot of confidence, not very much confidence or none at all? The government
Governments not self identified as democratic: Vatican City, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar and Brunei.
Democracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Governments not self identified as democratic: Vatican City, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar and Brunei.
The Economist Intelligence Unit's index of democracy 2008
Democracy Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Economist Intelligence Unit's index of democracy 2008
Sunday, November 15, 2009 Thoughts on Freakonomics Thoughts on Freakonomics

But the fertility drop caused by the Pill didn’t lead to a decrease in crime eighteen years later.
Key Crime & Justice Facts at a Glance
Bureau of Justice Statistics Key Crime and Justice Facts at a Glance

Key Crime & Justice Facts at a Glance
Saturday, November 14, 2009
The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)
2008 National Criminal Victimization Survey - Thinking About Corrections

The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) reports violent and property crime rates in 2008 were at or near their lowest levels in over three decades. Violent crimes are categorized as rape, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault. "Property crimes include household burglary, motor vehicle theft, and theft." Personal theft, including pocket picking and purse snatching are also included. The data is in concurrence with the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) which also notes the continual downward trend in criminal activities over the same time period.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Blaming Women's Choices for the Gender Pay Gap
Blaming Women's Choices for the Gender Pay Gap

Actually, within groups graduating with particular academic majors, women earn less than men, as illustrated in the AAUW report cited above. And within occupational categories, women earn less than their male counterparts, as revealed in this chart.
Gender Pay Gap and Root Causes
Gender Pay Gap and Root Causes - Stat-aholics

Francine D. Blau, an economist at Cornell University, said, "Nothing happened to the pay gap from the mid-1950's to the late 70's. Then the 80's stood out as a period of sharp increase in women's pay. And it's much less impressive after that." In 2006, college-educated women between the ages of 36 and 45, earned 74.7 cents in hourly pay for every dollar that men in the same group did, according to the Labor Department. Only a decade earlier, women earned 75.7 cents for every dollar.
Friday, November 6, 2009
births among teenagers 15 to 19 rose 3 percent in 2006 from the year before
Vital Statistics - National Report on Childbirth Suggests Trends Are Shifting, With Births on the Rise -

And after a 14-year period of decline, births among teenagers 15 to 19 rose 3 percent in 2006 from the year before.
Changing Patterns of Nonmarital Childbearing in the United States
Products - Data Briefs - Number 18 - May 2009

Changing Patterns of Nonmarital Childbearing in the United States
Estimated Pregnancy Rates for the United States, 1990-2005
NVSS - New Releases for Birth Data

Estimated Pregnancy Rates for the United States, 1990-2005: An Update (10/2009)
The Ugly Truth About Beauty
The Ugly Truth About Beauty - ABC News

In studies conducted at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers Itzhak Aharon, Nancy Etcoff, Dan Ariely, Christopher F. Chabris, Ethan O'Connor, and Hans C. Breiter have used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology to look at the activity in men's brains when they were shown pictures of beautiful women's faces. Breiter and his colleagues found that the same part of the brain lights up as when a hungry person sees food, or a gambler eyes cash, or a drug addict sees a fix. Essentially, beauty and addiction trigger the same areas in the brain.
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