A Century of Difference

Mike Hout and Claude Fischer
How Class Works in Popular Conception, February, 2007
Authors: Michael Hout
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American Households Throughout the 20th Century, revised: July, 2005
Authors: Michael Hout and Claude S. Fischer
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Different Places, Different People: The Redrawing of America's Social Geography, revised: June, 2005
Authors: Claude S. Fischer and Michael Hout
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Differences Among Americans in Living Standards Across the Twentieth Century, revised: June, 2005
Authors: Claude S. Fischer and Michael Hout
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Religious Diversity in America, 1940-2000, revised: June, 2005
Authors: Mike Hout and Claude Fischer
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Author: Michael Hout
(Forthcoming in CHANGING IRELAND, 1989-2003 edited by Maire NicGhiolla Phadraig and Elizabeth Hilliard. [ Download PDF]
Appendices for:
Distinguishing the Geographic Levels and Social Dimensions of U.S. Metropolitan Segregation, 1960-2000 ,
Authors: Claude S. Fischer, Gretchen Stockmayer, Jon Stiles and Michael Hout
(Text of article excluding Appendices in Demography, Feb. 2004)
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Money and Morale: What Growing Inequality is Doing to Americans' View of Themselves and Others , January, 2003
Authors: Michael Hout
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Distinguishing the Geographic Levels and Social Dimensions of U.S. Metropolitan Segregation, 1960-2000 , August, 2003
Authors: Claude S. Fischer, Gretchen Stockmayer, Jon Stiles and Michael Hout
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Why More Americans Have No Religious Preference: Politics and Generations, April,2002
Authors: Mike Hout and Claude Fischer
(In the American Sociological Review, Vol. 67 (April, 2002:165-190))
The Overworked American Family: Trends and Non-Trends in Working Hours, 1968-2001, June, 2002
Authors: Mike Hout and Caroline Hanley
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Tightening Up: Social Mobility in Russia, 1988-2000, June, 2002
Authors: Ted Gerber and Mike Hout
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Educational Progress for African Americans and Latinos in the United States from the 1950s to the 1990s: The Interaction of Ancestry and Class, August, 2001
Author: Mike Hout
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Education: Relative and Absolute Measures, August,2001
Authors: Jon Stiles
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Time Bind and God's Time, March, 2001
Authors: Claude Fischer, Mike Hout, Nancy Latham
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Ever-More Rooted Americans, November,2000
Authors: Claude Fischer
(Note: Shorter version of this paper published in City and Community 1 [June 2002]
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