American Sociological Association: Sociology of Education

Selected Articles
* Another Way Out: The Impact of Juvenile Arrests on High School Dropout Paul Hirschfield (October 2009)
* Why Do Immigrant Youths Who Never Enroll in U.S. Schools Matter? School Enrollment Among Mexicans and Non-Hispanic Whites R.S. Oropesa and Nancy S. Landale (July 2009)
* Interracial Friendships in the Transition to College: Do Birds of a Feather Flock Together Once They Leave the Nest? Elizabeth Stearns, Claudia Buchmann, and Kara Bonneau (April 2009)
* The Black-White Gap in Mathematics Course Taking Sean Kelly (January 2009)
* Educational Attainment, Teacher–Student Ratios, and the Risk of Adult Incarceration Among U.S. Birth Cohorts Since 1910 Richard Arum and Gary Lafree (October 2008)
* Are "Failing" Schools Really Failing? Removing the Influence of Nonschool Factors from Measures of School Quality Douglas B. Downey, Paul T. Von Hippel, and Melanie Hughes (July 2008)
* Student Engagement, Peer Social Capital, and School Dropout Among Mexican American and Non-Latino White Student Robert K. Ream and Russell W. Rumberger (April 2008)
* School Strategies and the "College-Linking" Process: Reconsidering the Effects of High Schools on College Enrollment (January 2008)