Friday, October 8, 2010

EBSCOhost: Fighting the real bullies

EBSCOhost: Fighting the real bullies
The article discusses school bullies. School bullies aren't the sad misfits, loners, and revenge-seeking geeks we thought they were, report UCLA psychologists who recently interviewed 2,000 sixth graders and their teachers at Los Angeles-area middle schools. Most often, they're actually the popular, self-confident "cool" kids. It's a finding that may resonate with your own memories of playground social dynamics. It also suggests why many antibullying programs simply aren't effective, says lead researcher and psychologist Jaana Juvonen, PhD. The reason: They target the wrong kids. What's needed are better ways to stop bullying because victims can suffer a wide range of health problems, including headaches, stomachaches, and sleepless nights. They also tune out at school; as a result, their grades suffer. And they have trouble getting along with classmates. Even bullies themselves are at risk: A US Department of Education survey reveals that 25% of bullies who routinely get physical have a criminal record by age 30.